• 01935 473708
  • Artillery Rd, Lufton Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 8RP

A Yeovil based industrial door company, 
offering a custom design, build and 
installation service since 1982

Get In Touch With Us

We are experts in Industrial Doors and can help you decide which of our range
of doors and shutters will be best suited for your premises and purpose.

01935 473708
Artillery Rd, Lufton Trading Estate, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 8RP

Wessex Industrial Door Blog

Archive by category: Industrial Sliding DoorsReturn
Doors for Agricultural Units, Barns and Farm Equipment Stores. Industrial Folding Sliding Doors can make a considerable enhancement to the effective use of a Farms Storage and Usable Workspace. Many Barns and Agricultural Units even now, still use hinged Barn Doors, which have usually been in situ since the erection of the building or unit. These traditional type of doors, quite often made from wood (as opposed to modern materials such as High Grade Aluminium or Galvanized Steel) often resu...
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